Monday, May 18, 2020

Lockdown 4.0 in India - New guidlines,Cases reported

The Indian government extended the lockdown for two more weeks till May 31, but gave some relaxations, permitting almost all economic activities and significant public movement. From public transport to markets, everything has been opened in non-containment zones.the lockdown restrictions were extended till May 31, but with considerable relaxations in non-containment zones. While all markets, offices, industries, and businesses will be allowed to open, inter-state and intra-state movement of “passenger vehicles and buses” will be permitted with the consent of the states involved. The restrictions on flight and Metro rail services will continue, and schools, colleges, and other educational institutes will remain closed.The government has basically came with the idea of zones (unless you are in a containment zone) for common people. Earlier there were graded relaxations in Red, Green, and Orange zones, with the maximum restrictions applying in the Red zones.

Even as it announced relaxations in the lockdown, Karnataka has decided not to allow people from four states — Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Gujarat – inside its borders till May 31.
India took all the necessary steps well in time to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, Union Health minister Harsh Vardhan said on Monday, asserting that the country has done well in dealing with the disease till now and is confident of doing better in months to come. Prime Minister Narendra Modi personally monitored the situation and ensured a preemptive, proactive and graded response, leaving no stones unturned to contain the deadly virus from spreading, Vardhan said addressing the the 73rd World Health Assembly via video conferencing.

Case analysis today

A total of more than 5,000 new covid-19 cases being reported today,with this India registered it’s biggest one-day spike, taking the number of confirmed cases to 96,169. The death toll also got a jump from 2,872 to 3,029. Currently, India has 36,824 recoveries and 56,316 are active cases.

  Confirmed Cases     
    Active Cases    
    Total Recovered    
     Total Deaths        
         96,169        56,316          36,824         3,029


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